Specimen: #21692
Locality: NChwaning Mines, Kuruman, Kalahari manganese fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Size: 30mm x 17mm x 14mm
Size description: Miniature
Shipping: USA 12.80, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 18.90, China via UPS 33.00 (USD)
Price: USD 450   ADD TO CART

A mesmerizing specimen of very rare fibrous crystals of sugilite from NChwaning Mines, Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa. It displays a colorful carpet of sugilite needles growing in a cluster. The vibrant and electric lavender-purple acicular crystals are very delicate with a strong, sparkling appearance. The colorfulness of the specimen is tremendous. Displays from all sides. In superb condition. On acrylic base.

Fabulous rarity!