twinned CUBANITE

Specimen: #21211
Locality: Henderson No. 2 mine, Chibougamau, Nord-du-Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Size: 13mm x 5mm x 6mm
Size description: Thumbnail
Shipping: USA 12.80, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 18.90, China via UPS 33.00 (USD)
Price: USD 145   ADD TO CART

A fine cubanite crystal from this now-closed mine, which has produced the best cubanites in the world - Henderson No. 2 mine, Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada. It displays a well formed elongated crystal with a strong luster. It is nicely striated, with a pleasing brassy-yellow color and a gorgeous V twinning. For references see the 1983 issue of The Mineralogical Record vol. 14, # 3. In very good condition - some micro nicks. On acrylic base.

Choice cubanite!


twinned CUBANITE

twinned CUBANITE

twinned CUBANITE

twinned CUBANITE