FLUORITE - new find

Specimen: #15205
Locality: Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China
Size: 38mm x 32mm x 22mm
Size description: Miniature
Shipping: USA 12.80, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 18.90, China via UPS 33.00 (USD)
Status: SOLD

Top quality specimen of gorgeous indigo-blue Fluorite crystals from a superb new find in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China. Displays perfect, razor sharp modified cuboctahedral crystals up to 19mm with pretty beveled edges. They are with very strong glassy luster, transparent and gemmy, with saturated, and rich dark indigo-blue color, and some purple areas. The quality is very high with exceptional glassy appearance. Displays aesthetically. In excellent condition – some minor nicks and base contacts. On acrylic base.

FLUORITE - new find

FLUORITE - new find

FLUORITE - new find

FLUORITE - new find

FLUORITE - new find

FLUORITE - new find