new find - gem BORCARITE

Specimen: #21691
Locality: San Bartolo Mine, Charcas, Charcas Municipality, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Size: 25mm x 16mm x 10mm
Size description: Thumbnail
Shipping: USA 12.80, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 18.90, China via UPS 33.00 (USD)
Status: SOLD

Fine quality gemmy borcarite crystals from a new superb find in San Bartolo Mine, Charcas, Mexico. Borcarite is a rare calcium magnesium borate and these are among the finest borcarite crystals in the world.  It displays well formed tabular crystals with gemmy areas. They have very pleasing sea blue color. They are strongly lustrous. It displays all over 360 degree. In very good condition – some small contacts. On acrylic base.

Choice rarity!

new find - gem BORCARITE

new find - gem BORCARITE

new find - gem BORCARITE

new find - gem BORCARITE

new find - gem BORCARITE