Specimen: #21682
Locality: Pantoja, Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain
Size: 24mm x 14mm x 13mm
Size description: Thumbnail
Shipping: USA 8.60, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 12.80, China via UPS 29.00 (USD)
Status: SOLD

A beautiful Sunburst formation featuring two aragonite balls, one growing atop the other, from Pantoja, Toledo, Spain. The aragonite forms delicate, cream-colored needle crystals, which are translucent to transparent. These fine crystals exhibit a sharp, well-defined shape, with a subtle shimmer and a captivating luster. The specimen displays beautifully from all angles, offering a 360-degree view of its natural elegance. In good condition – some needles damage. On acrylic base.

Charming and graceful!