Specimen: #21634
Locality: Alabama Mine, Jamestown, Jamestown District, Mother Lode Belt, Tuolumne Co., California, United States
Size: 14mm x 11mm x 1mm
Size description: Thumbnail
Shipping: USA 8.60, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 12.80, China via UPS 29.00 (USD)
Status: SOLD

A marvelous and rare (for the locality) specimen of crystallized native gold from Alabama Mine, Jamestown, Tuolumne Co., California, USA. The gold appears as an intricate, sculptural cluster with a vivid metallic luster and a striking, bright yellow color. The structure exhibits a delicate balance of rugged, leaf-like textures and smooth, reflective surfaces, characteristic of naturally crystallized gold. The specimen’s irregular and branching shape adds to its visual appeal, almost resembling an abstract work of art. It is 1 carat. In superb condition. On acrylic base.

This piece is a delicate example of the natural beauty of gold in its unrefined state, making it a highly collectible and display-worthy specimen!