Specimen: #14337
Locality: Poteryaevskoe Mine, Rubtsovskoe Cu-Zn-Pb deposit, Rudnyi Altai, Altaiskii Krai, Western-Siberian Region, Russia
Size: 27mm x 23mm x 12mm
Size description: Toenail
Shipping: USA 8.60, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 12.80, China via UPS 29.00 (USD)
Status: SOLD

Striking polished Azurite hemisphere. It is a half ball with royal blue color - very vivid and rich. Featuring Azurite aggregates with marvelous Agate like bands and different color intensity. At the center are seen irregular cavernous formations with crystallized Azurite. For references see the issue of The Mineralogical Record vol. 45, # 4, July-August 2014. In excellent condition. Polished.
Superb blue!