new find - GOETHITE

Specimen: #11557
Locality: Pegmatite No. 597, Volodarsk-Volynskii, Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine
Size: 36mm x 26mm x 20mm
Size description: Miniature
Shipping: USA 8.60, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 12.80, China via UPS 29.00 (USD)
Status: SOLD

Beautiful bursting shaped Goethite from very original new find in Volodarsk-Volynskii, Ukraine famous mostly with pegmatite minerals. Displays a Goethite ball formed by sprays of radiating Goethite needles forming a sphere. It has a brown to black color and pearly luster. Goethite ball sits attractively et the top of the host base. Complete all over. In superb condition. On acrylic base.

Neat novelty!

new find - GOETHITE

new find - GOETHITE

new find - GOETHITE

new find - GOETHITE